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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 6, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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before, in donald trump. >> listen, can you imagine, we had the time we brought washington here. lou: brad meltzer thank you so much. >> house of secrets. >> join us tomorrow, 7 eastern for our election coverage. kennedy: yeah, i monday we're back. we have lou dobbs to thank, i am watching state most famous for its gold rush turn to something funky, the california primary has become mold rush erase -- the race to the finish. they sprint with their walkers. hillary clinton embodies all that is wrong with california democratic establishment. high on corruption, and control. and most people go for the ride out of fear of being thrown under the bus, and
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bernie sanders is running to the collectivism, responsible for more worldwide death than aids and malaria combined. for rights for individual for needs of group. latter is proving more intriguing to california voters who know they have nothing to lose, in a protest vote since hillary clinton holds hostage the superdelegates vote she won at the end of a loaded gun, as these two old white codgers gu golden state by promising minorities an early bird buffett of free stuff, they will be hard pressed on make good on the promises. the daughter pensioners will use their tried and failed moth eaten ideas to lured frustrated voters to the polls, they will cast a vote for one of the golden girls to find the promises av of free
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college and bank regulation are empty, fun. on the show, deirdre bolton will take us in depo california political landscape. >> and nirvana bassist chris -- and glad you are here, i'm kennedy. woo. kennedy: a living fossil smackdown tomorrow in the golden state, can bernie sanders beat hillary with his cane? let's ask my party panel. bonnie mcfarland. matt welch. and megan mccain. fox news contributor, and presidential politics expert. welcome. >> thank you. kennedy: matt welch, i am
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watching the california race, i have seen it close up, hillary clinton was lead by 20 points a few months ago, now some polls have bernie ahead by one. why do i want her to lose. >> really a fun -- hillary blows leads. we've seen this in every elect, it is fun in california, we don't want this to be over yet. do you remember how sad it was when donald trump won indiana. it is over. so everyone is googling that night, libertarian party, and third party, and can i find a fly off to somewhere else. kennedy: how can we get -- >> right. if it goes badly for bernie tomorrow, then, it is over kind of we don't want that. kennedy: maybe we have become so addicted to drama. but in california they never get to pick anything, they are
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last on list, they are busiest -- biggest, neediest child but now they are at the adult table, could bernie do this? >> i think he could do it in california tomorrow by a narrow lead, that just showcases what a flawed candidate she is. she can't put this down from a really old socialist whose policies are straight out of a science fiction novel. kennedy: she won california in 2008 against barack obama, now, like old guy who smells like mo mothballs, and really you are going to lose to him. >> let me remind you that your guy is trump. kennedy: not my guy, the republican. >> you are making fun of two. kennedy: i'll make fun of him plenty, there is plenty to did around. >> he not my guy, there is no
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other guy. kennedy: tomorrow night, is it true we want this protracted drama. the fungus think tinged ideas, bonnie? >> well, as you know hillary needs 23883 votes -- 2383 votes i think it comes down to unfledged superdelegates, i just memorized that one small thing. i would like to learn more. i got resetta -- rosetta stone primaries and i am learning. kennedy: who would you pull the lever for, bernie? >> no,. kennedy: hillary. >> >> yes. kennedy: explain it. i want her to lose, you are still a supporter. >> there is nobody else to
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vote for, you can't vote for bernie. kennedy: a lot of people are voting for bernie. >> i don't think a lot of people thought he would live this long, i will vote for the person who may remain standing, not 6 feet under. kennedy: he is older, but not that much more. she as that cough. >> he is panders so well, he went to hamburger mary's a well-known gay restaurant, in hollywood, so many friends are posting pictures of him, he is so forced and packaged, i find it -- kennedy: i am sure he saw a package or two, a great restaurant. >> i have done that in hollywood, i don't know if it will be a campaign stop. kennedy: thank god that is over, a lot of driving in l.a., bernie sanders campaign is reportedly divided on whether or not senator should march all way to the
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democratic conventioner accept the inevitable and endorse secretary clinton, so she can focus on el donaldo. >> i think that bernie sanders and his supporters have different ideas, he is attracting support from the millennials and youths and people as old add megyn mccain. >> i am old. kennedy: you are still a millennial. >> 31. >> enough that is rude. those people who have had their face smashed into it by team hillary clinton, i think they want to keep supporting him, even though his only argument after tomorrow will be supe super superdelegate argument, the other way. if he could change their mines and have them switch their votes, he is just stalling out clock in case something weird happens to hillary. >> what is more likely
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changing the system or him changing his underwear. >> i have not got theap fa far in my rosetta stone primary season tapes, i think he should go all the way, that whole thing. kennedy: i think so too. >> keep going. kennedy: don't give up now, you made it to california. >> then their convention will be as much as a cluster as ours. ours. kennedy: the ron convention will not be a cluster no one will be there. i think it will be a cluster, i hope same things happens there. kennedy: i hope cleveland police deputy have a pocketful of shells to throw at those ruder in too wells. -- i think that bernie has a lot to prove, he has excited supporters, hillary clinton would love it, if he would just flip the switch, and say, guys issue just support her
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her, she is great, never mind what i said. >> the moment that happens she will switch, we saw her anti-trump speech. >> well, i see why. >> it is exhausting a lot of false promises and a lot of group think, she is such an individualist. >> she is we should combine forces, and for her that makes sense. kennedy: like making that case to a billion air, you really top propose to, we should combine bank accounts, all right, well, speaking of buying anything, i will buy you a piece of tomorrow night live coverage on fpn, tuesday primary, and including california, and trish regan will host the fbn stars, and tomorrow night 7 eastern 4 in the west, coming up, does california have surprises in store for tomorrow, deirdre
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bolton will say which region could swing the state, but republicans are worried that trump finally maybe perhaps went too far, why donald horizohas the g.o.p. sweating, oh, boy, coming up, stay here. when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines,
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and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. [bassist] two late nights in blew an amp.but good nights. sure,music's why we do this,but it's still our business. we spend days booking gigs, then we've gotta put in the miles to get there. but it's not without its perks. like seeing our album sales go through the roof enough to finally start paying meg's little brother- i mean,our new tour manager-with real,actual money. we run on quickbooks.that's how we own it.
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kennedy: welcome back. former trump university students have taken the school to court in a class act fraud lawsuit.
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and name sake questioning the judge's imparrialty. indicating that federal judge gonzalo curiel might be biased due to his hispanic pai heritage. >> a member of a society, very strongly pro mexican, which is fine. i say he has biased. >> what do mexican parents have to do with that. >> i want to build a wall, that is not confusing it common sense. kennedy: what? trumps comments drawing a bit of backlash from g.o.p.'s most prominent leaders including matt ryan, and mitch mcconnell. megan, okay so he said that the judge is unqualified because he was a member of la raza and a judeicial activist, you can make the case without bringing race into it, am i wrong? >> he was also born in indiana
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. kennedy: he is an american. >> i am an american too, one of the most interesting critics of this is newt gingrich. kennedy: what does that say. >> that is how bad it is. they are all trying to -- kennedy: they have endorsed them. >> this is bad but, at-this-point, if you are already a trump supporter this not going it turn you off. this is a general election. independence it may turn them off. but, that donald trump will be so presidential it will bore me, when will he start being presidential because i would love to see it. kennedy: republicans have a long way to go attracting independence and latino voters, and can you have just one comment or a series of comments that does so much damage. >> keep in mind that everyone should look at news max interview donald trump gave after 2012 elect he talked about mitt romney's scheme of
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self deportation, so, i think this puts the lie to newt gingrich of the world, and chris christie, the opportunists who said, not only can i help my own political career by deciding early for him, but we can influence him, and bend his ear, we can train this barking seal, you can't, he was competitive because he said that mexican immigrants are rapist this is how he won, he said i'm going to have a temporary ban of muslim, that is how he won, he is not changing that, that is who she is, he is 69 years old. kennedy: a couple times he has evoked the flec flexibleility card, you. >> what is trump missing. >> i file for trump on this one -- i feel for trump on
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this one, almost leak a racist can't great a break any more, he would have same problem if it were a muslim judge or a woman judge, you know. >> all right. >> he made the point about a muslim thing, if it was a muslim judge. kennedy: they asked him about that as well. >> just keep placing white men in high positions otherwise it causes controversy. kennedy: by virtue of your hispanicness. could you ever if you were also hispanic be a part of his administration or cabinet. >> what is so crazy about this election, i spent 10 years of my life combatting stereo type of republicans being old issue white racist, out of touch. like i manifested my worse nightmare, right now, i'm done trying to get hispanic people and young people and women to
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come to republican party, you are saying you are a judge born in indiana. and a mexican heritage, i am from arizona, okay, like, arizona has a huge hispanic population, you saying my friends that are of mix me mexico heritage are not real americans, this is not candidate that i file i ca can -- feel like i can support, i am not supporting hillary so calm down. >> david french that whole thing was ridiculous, i was like stop trying to make it happen. >> i am done. kennedy: bill crystal put out a press relief about he and french going to prom. >> he said no. >> bill crystal has to stop playing games with somebody's heart, he said i have answer, i am really, he is edavid french, i do not know who that is, and i do this for a living
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. >> i knew who he was. kennedy: did ros rosetta tell you? >> this is a very emotional elect, i feel comfortable with kennedy. kennedy: panel returns a little bit later but first is california's open primary going to hit the scales for bernie sanders, deirdre bolton will join me, and nirvana basis chris nova sell itch gives a powerful endorsement. ciancia. see ♪ ♪
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he has a sharp wit. a winning smile. and no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars.
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california voters decided who gets their 475 dell yeah delegates in the primary. it is an open primary, which may add surprise twists. joining me now, deirdre bolton host of "risk & reward" on fox business network. >> we are going to expect fireworks tomorrow night in california. what are biggest surprises going to be. >> i don't think, you want to give that map a click. do it. hometown pride. miss kennedy. all right, san francisco bay area, lovely style. has a lot of libertarians. a lot of independence but san francisco tons of minority, hispanics elitely the, a lot of -- elitel elitely lgbt, a loot oa lot of people that go
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libertarian, we don't know. >> a lot of big money in san francisco and los angeles is going to hillary clinton? >> yes, the established democratic money to your point does go from san francisco, and l.a. to hillary clinton. but senator sanders has spent a lot of time in the ex-burbs. ventura county expected to go for sanders, a big libertarian strong hold, people saying it has a lot of independence. kennedy: you know, democrats welcome inspect independence in the race, that is good news for sanders, since january, 2 million people have signed up as new voters 80% of under 35. >> this was supposed to be hillary clinton's coronation
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but now she has a dog fight between herself and sanders, if she loses this, it is a big black eye, she got california in 2008 against president obama. kennedy: usually, i think by time you get to california, you already know the landscape, long before this late in primary season, i guess we're going to know earlier that evening when new jersey polls close. >> first time in 5 election cycle that california counted at all even californians are like, really be wait, me? kennedy: what about inland. >> some of the inland counties he gave one speech but so did donald trump, he poke t spoke to the farmers saying that the drought conditions have been infairly imposed on you saving
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these little fish. inland is questionable. other strong suit as far as independence, san diego you saw a lot of people came out against trump, we don't know what they are for. but there is a big naval base that goes republican. kennedy: you know the republicans strong hold is real in the oc but this san diego you are right on the border. >> yes. >> 50% latino in theory for clinton but general theme, ex-burbs, and subsao diseush suburbed sanders. >> this race so far is within two points night before the election, it could be anyone's game even that crazy bernie sanders, thank you so much deirdre bolton. >> thank you. kennedy: we're working it together tomorrow night, fbn live election coverage,
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coming up 4 eastern 7 in the west. >> look at this horrible parking job? is my producer marty responsible? martin? >> this pit bull lives in terror, topical storm is next. i have asthma...
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8:28 pm of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back an >>
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kennedy: fresher man spear mint gum, this is the "topical storm." this assembled by david whitfield. what would you do if an adorable monkey showed up in front of your shop shivering and look hungry. this man is doing just that, feeding it some fruit. the monkey dashed over to the
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store over to at cash register and he grabs $200. pilfering the money, then he skitters off. but not all monkeys are tricksters. like these guys who decided to say hello to campers on safari. bye, guys. is that underwear? didn't have a laundromat, did you. they are stealing everything. if they had scalpels they would probably harvest the camper's organs. the best part about the fast and furious franchise is you don't have to tell bystanders the car chase scene is just for a movie. like this.
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that poor woman just freaking at the sight of cars flipping off of a building. that must have been filmed in one of the good states. if it had been shot in state no one would blink because the drivers there are horrible. great special effects. i tried to film my own fast and furious movie but i ran out of money for cars. just a lot of running with delicious lattes. topic number 3. it's that time of year when
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allergies are creeping up and making people miserable. for some people it's pollen. for others it's ragweed. but for this little girl she is allergic to the number 4 and insists it doesn't exist. it goes 1, 2, 3, 5 and that is it. >> it's 1, 2, 3, 4. who no, mommy, it's 1, 2, 3, 5. >> it's 1, 2, 3, 4. >> count to 4. >> 1, 2, 3, 4! >> you did it! kennedy: the argument has gotten so contentious it made it into the presidential race. >> he's practicing fuzzy math again. can i have a rebuttal here.
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kennedy: he bought it. here's topic number 4. rush hour traffic is the best, right? it gives you a chance to take a break from the rat race of life and enjoy the hollow pavement and fellow commuters. but there is always some jerk that comes along and ruins your good times and shut down. a one-man drum circle? i'm disgusted. in a traffic jam. a blindfolded javelin catch. save your drumming for the debates, pal.
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what worse than a drum circle? nothing. topic number 5. pit bulls are generally feared. but one pit is not on strong, this furry bastar -- is smart. he tiptoes around his house because he has the great misfortune of living with a cat. watch this. >> come on, it's okay. kennedy: he knows if he wakes up that devil beast, muscle and power are no match for an unholy creature who will sum man the dark lord to consume canine and
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human flesh. we have yet to find admiral snuggles. john stossel's cat who escaped after an outing in central park. if anyone has seen him use hashtag find john stossel's cat before he gets back from his trip to yosemite. tweet me @kennedynation or use #topicalstorm. coming up. the director of the new ghostbusters film. a big neon endorsement waiting for us. state right here. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't really think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped
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kennedy: that's a taste of the new ghostbusters remake with an all female cast. it's the most disliked trailer in movie history. ghost musters haunted by any song tonights? bonnie, you are funny. this is awful. the trailers are so bad. >> i have not seen the trailers. but i am -- it is a concern to me that he's getting some kind of hate mail on twitter. that's not a place i think people are ever mean or ugly. it's like such a positive place for me i feel bad's not
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experiencing that. kennedy: these actors are so funny. an incredible amount of talent. i think if you have got that kind of talent concentrated in one place, that means you have got bad writing and editing and he didn't direct them well. i'm not attacking the women here. >> i don't think the trailer looks amazing. but i do have the problem with the background. i have read things like don't take over my favorite movie from when i was younger. >> that was a man cave. >> there is a weird culture on the internet of geeky guys that
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just feel offended that an all female cast is taking over the franchise. as a right wing radio host i take umbrage with that. kennedy: i think it only way to market it is you have to market it as so bad it's good. >> it looks awful. if you are going to remake a classic movie, you can remake caddie shack. kennedy: don't ever. >> with anybody. if it's not a good thing, it will be a failed reboot and you will get cite see youd the for it. the whole point of remaking a beloved movie is to get extra attention for your beloved movie. >> you could make mad max and do such an interesting take on it, it gets nominated for best picture and almost won.
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but there are people who argue, no, sacrilege. >> but we had a lady in the lead. >> that made a really good point. because he's the man. hillary clinton terrified her staffers with jekyl and hyde outbursts and assaulted her husband bill with a vase. the clinton campaign is dismissing the book and its author. they say he's attempting to cash in on the election cycle with their nonsense. so megyn, you know secret service people, they protected your father during the 2008 race. what do they say about the clintons? >> i don't know. but i will say i will defend the clintons on this. they are nothing like you think
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in the movies. i had very negative experiences with them all along. i think they are very voyeuristic. i don't like that you can be around people in high-stress situations and then write a book about it. they are hanging out in hookers in colombia. i hate the clintons, but i think if you are going to judge her in that situation it's in incredibly poor taste. kennedy: there have been a library of books written about hillary clinton. and stuff from the 90s, this is going to change things? >> the big reveal is hillary gave bill a black eye in 1995. who in this country is going to say i am not going to vote for her because she punched bill clinton in the eye in 1995. it makes her seem this much cooler than she is.
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>> did want to punch bill clinton? >> i always thought it was a safe marriage. and now it's kind of like -- he actually cares. he did some crazy stupid stuff in the marriage and she got mad at him for it. but i do sympathize with the guy month wrote the book gary byrne because it's difficult to write a book. i wrote a book called "you are better than me" and it's available on kennedy: thank you very much. coming up, this presidential election nirvana says will be a big game changer. stay tuned.
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kennedy: you know krist novoselic as the bass player from nirvana. but he's also a political activist and he recent lido night the maximum amount possible to libertarian candidate gary johnson. >> i'm excited because i think they are going to win. my support is not a protest vote. or some kind kind of stunt. these are viable candidates, they are executive law makers, they have experience. if voters get a good look at them, they will say these are a couple grown-ups and i'm comfortable giving them my vote. kennedy: i asked, how can they
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reach out and bridge that gap. right now a lot of people don't know who gary johnson is. a lot of people are very disaffected by this election and feel marginalized. how do they make that leap? >> first and foremost they need to include gary johnson and jill stein in the presidential debates. kennedy: this is something i have been talking about since 1999. i heard a speech you a gave up and i think there is no better time -- and we don't necessarily have to have proportional representation, but there is no better time to give voice toy independent candidates than this election. i think with so many people in open revolt over the process of what they are seeing in the parties, so many voters saying the process is rigged, why not open it up.
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>> there is a wall built around the united states house of representatives, a wall built around the democratic and republican parties and their candidates for president. and we need to tear those barriers down and have a free and open debate. in 2010, for their elections they had their leading candidates, the two major parties and this new candidate, mitt klegg from the liberal democrats. they had a third party candidate and it blew the race wide open. so i'm excited, if this is a three-way race, it has such an impact nationally. we could have more competitive states. with the electoral college, it will bust up that blue-red map and we'll have purple states, and it will be so good for democracy. we need more debates. >> democracy is not being served
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by the selection process we have now. i want you to expand on something you said this week. you said this election is like nirvana in 1991. the johnson-weld ticket can capture ask imaginations and bolt them to the top. >> in anywhere vanna the rock 'n roll scene wasn't happening. people were tiewngs out of rock music. so. but so people were wants to go tune in again. so anywhere van a was there. alternative music, punk, grunge, whatever you want to call it. people said this is great. and this is what we need in politics. alternative voices, and i think people will respond. the united states is polarized right now.
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the major party candidates are polarized. johnson-weld are not polarizing. they are the grown-ups, they are experienced, and they are a viable alternative. and that's why i support them. kennedy: these two candidates trump and clinton you could claim are poison. there was a lot of glam' metal before nirvana came along and it created this paradigm shift. i think people are ready for that shift. can johnson-weld deliver that? >> absolutely. they are qualified lawmakers. they have the experience. can you imagine if we were in this alternative universe and i'm talking to you saying the republicans nominated moderate from these blue states, new mexico and massachusetts. and donald trump just got nominated for the libertarian party ticket. that sounds like it would be the
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normal world. but in this bizarre alternative universe. that's what reality is. donald trump just because he's a republican, he gets all his press, all his coverage. the major parties are state parties. they are stagnant. okay? kennedy: they are stagnant cesspools of filth and poisons with lead and mercury. we are take our kool-aid with that water and we are all going to die unless we change. >> it makes flint michigan look like a a of well healing water. aberdeen, washington has fabulous drinking water because we are in the rain forest. but we need to have some fresh air. we need a viable alternative. americans take a look at johnson and weld. and i think you will like what you see.
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they are moderates. kennedy: you heard it from krist. thank you so much for your time. i love it. coming up, trump says muslim judges would most likely be biased against him. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card i'm in charge of it all. business expenses, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. so i've been snapping photos of my receipts and keeping track of them in quickbooks. now i'm on top of my expenses, and my bees. best 68,000 employees ever. that's how we own it.
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kennedy: yesterday when asked if a plus limb judge with be biased -- would be biased against him he said it's possible. how is the muslim community reacting? joining me -- >> we didn't know exactly with to expect from trump coming into this.
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we thought we were the ones that would have a bakeoff. and not looks like the democratic party will have a bakeoff. but, you know, i was his being to what matt was saying earlier. i think there has been negative rhetoric in the past. the first south asian seat in the gop from gop, i think trump is somebody we can potentially work with. kennedy: i don't know that he necessarily wants to work with you? >> what our option, gary johnson. kennedy: if you are holding up two candidate who have had less bias when it comes to entire groups of people, i think you could make the argument that gary johnson would be better for your coalition. >> if gary johnson were electable he would have my vote.
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but hillary loves killing muslims and is saying i'm here for you. donald trump is trying to build a wall? can we work with donald or can we work with hillary. we tried to work with hillary for 8 to 15 to 20 years. she is happy to take our votes and then says it over there with the brown person. what if you had an irish-american judge. i'm from pittsburgh. would you say because you are german that irish-american judge would be biased. kennedy: he might include me in some group that is excluded from having a seat at the table. thank you for watching the show tonight. don't forget to watch me. the primary connell starts tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern and 4:00 on the west coast.
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the show will be back wednesday. you can follow us on twitter and facebook. have a great night. >> he was at the center of a scandal -- the national pastime, gambling, and gangsters. >> arnold rothstein gave them a little bit of money to, supposedly, throw the series. >> "shoeless" joe was arguably the best baseball player of all time. >> he's banned from the game... >> one weeping fan of his cried out, "say it isn't so!" >> ...and the fascination with his tale endures. >> shoeless joe's really part of pop culture. >> so why is his autograph one of the rarest in sports? >> he was virtually illiterate. >> he had a very hard time even writing an individual letter. >> he did. >> as far as we know it, there is only one known. >> one? >> just one. >> and it's this woman's strange inheritance. >> it starteto


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